School-Aged Children

School-Aged Children

Supporting students academically, identifying social and educational goals, and encouraging positive character development

After-School Program

We support school-aged children, grades K - 6, academically and socially through our After-School Club. At PLI, we understand that cultural transitions can be difficult on every member of the family. We desire to support and empower children to thrive in the United States. Our team of mentors work with children to identify social and educational goals and provide the encouragement and support they need to achieve them.

The primary focuses of our After-School Club are character development, building resilience and reading development. Our mentors model godly character and highlight a different character trait each week. Our staff comes alongside parents to help them navigate the U.S. educational system and advocate for equitable access to educational services.

Pick up a registration form at PLI or register online at

For more information call 713-969-8906 or email

After-School Program

Monday & Thursday

3:30pm - 5:30pm

(During school year)

Childcare is offered

as space is available

A small tuition / fee
is required.

After-School Program

We support school-aged children, grades K - 6, academically and socially through our After-School Club. At PLI, we understand that cultural transitions can be difficult on every member of the family. We desire to support and empower children to thrive in the United States. Our team of mentors work with children to identify social and educational goals and provide the encouragement and support they need to achieve them.

The primary focuses of our After-School Club are character development, building resilience and reading development. Our mentors model godly character and highlight a different character trait each week. Our staff comes alongside parents to help them navigate the U.S. educational system and advocate for equitable access to educational services.

Pick up a registration form at PLI or register online at

For more information call 713-969-8906 or email

Sign Up
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After-School Program

Monday & Thursday

3:30pm - 5:30pm

(During school year)

Childcare is offered
as spots are available.

A small tuition / fee
is required.

After-School Program

We support school-aged children, grades K - 6, academically and socially through our After-School Club. At PLI, we understand that cultural transitions can be difficult on every member of the family. We desire to support and empower children to thrive in the United States. Our team of mentors work with children to identify social and educational goals and provide the encouragement and support they need to achieve them.

The primary focuses of our After-School Club are character development, building resilience and reading development. Our mentors model godly character and highlight a different character trait each week. Our staff comes alongside parents to help them navigate the U.S. educational system and advocate for equitable access to educational services.

Pick up a registration form at PLI or register online at

For more information call 713-969-8906 or email

Sign Up
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Monday & Thursday

3:30pm - 5:30pm

(During school year)

Childcare is offered
as spots are available.

A small tuition / fee
is required.

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School-Aged Children